Tuesday, August 21, 2007,
LOVE== love is hard to explain.. there are thousands of words to expLain the meaning of love.. >love is what you feeL in a person.>love is kind.>love is not jeaLous.>love is easy to get but hard to forget.>love can be cLassified either true L0ve or just an infatuation.>love needs trust and understanding.>love is more feLt when you express in action than words.>you need to be serious when Loving a person.>love is not a joke.>you need to face many chaLLenges when you faLL in Love.>love is not just something you can give to another person.>love shouLd not be seLfish.>love is when you want to do everything for a person you love no matter what happens.>love is so generous that you wiLL risk even your own Life.>love is so deep that you can't explain it in words.>love is something fLeeting. You just have to see that it's wrapped in beauty and hidden away in between the seconds of your life. If you don't stop for a minute, you might miss it.>love is not aLways around. so be wise and don't Let the chance pass.>love is a consteLLation of emotions.
2:11 AM